Visiting an Osteopath

When a patient visits an osteopath for the first time there are a number of things your osteopath will want to cover. These are:


Take your Case History

This is where you and your osteopath will talk about your problem and symptoms. Your osteopath will ask further questions, finding out more details about your symptoms and how your problem is affecting you. During this discussion your osteopath will also want information about your general health and will ask about any other symptoms, ailments, or health disturbances that you may be experiencing. Information about any previous medical problems or current health conditions will also be enquired about. Finally your osteopath will also want some information about yourself, your sports, activites, occupation and lifestyle.

With all of this information the osteopath should have a good understanding of your problem and have established a list of possible causes for your symptoms. Furthermore your osteoapth should have an understanding of you, your lifestyle of how your problem is affecting you personally


Perform an examination

Based on the information from the case history your osteopath will want to perform a relevant examination. This will aid your osteopath in establishing a diagnosis and subsequently a treatment plan to effectively manage your problem. During the examination you will be required to be suitably disrobed for the area being examined. We recommend that patients bring shorts with them and for ladies a shoulder straped style of vest top. At all times your osteopath will seek to preserve your modesty and examination will only ever be with your permission.

On your first visit your osteopath will want to perform a general examination, assessing the overall posture and condition of your body, as well as more detailed examinations for those areas which are indicated. Examination involves looking at, touching, and moving the joints of the body. Your osteopath may also listen to your heart and lungs, asses your general health, take your blood pressure, or test the function of nerves. These are all simple and painless procedures, there is no invasive testing procedures used at any time.

Establish and explain the diagnosis

Following on from the examination your osteopath should have sufficient information to establish a diagnosis, or what is causing your symptoms. Your osteopath will then explain this to you in non technical language so that you can understand what is causing your problem. Your osteopath will also explain about the methods of treatment available for your problem, including non osteopathic treatments, and provide information about recovery times.

Provide treatment if appropriate and you want treatment

Once a diagnosis has been established and explained to you your osteopath can then propose a course of treatment that he thinks would be appropriate for your problem. Your osteopath will explain what this course of treatment involves. Osteopathic treatment usually involves mobilisation and movement of joints, massage of muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Give you home care advice and answer any other questions you may have

Your osteopth will also provide you with further home care advice. This can include exercises that are appropriate for your condition, the use of hot and cold treatments, and work-rest activity levels that are suitable for you.

Your osteopath will also be able to answer any other queeries you may have.